If you’re in the agile space as an Agile coach, Agile Trainer or Scrum Master, you might have uncovered https://www.tastycupcakes.org/, a repository of games to help agile teams experience the concepts you bring them.
I’ve borrowed exercises from the folks there, and put my own spin on them, like Michael S McCullough‘s amazing “Example, Please“ https://www.tastycupcakes.org/2009/08/example-please/ which I evolved into several exercises, including this one run against the agile principles at Agile&Beyond: https://5130d1e4-9baa-4e17-a98b-a382d11cd399.filesusr.com/ugd/8b4b6c_c78a009c27e64ee48ca377ff4176702c.pptx?dn=Agile%20Change%20Process%20or%20Perspective%20Agil
But for some reason, I never contributed. So I changed that this weekend.
Why? Because TastyCupcakes is built on a spirit of freely sharing our gifts. And love given freely is the best gift of all.
So I hope you LOVE the game I just posted!
About the game: Flipping Agile Pizza is an online mashup of the classic "Penny Flip" game and Ralf Krause’s "Kanban Pizza" game, and a source for at least one LinkedIn post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/thecolleene_kanban-pizza-game-activity-6656747102732906496-Mr-o
I’ve given permission for others to make it their own on LinkedIn, and now I offer it to the world on TastyCupcakes.
I‘m creating an improved version inspired by the last run at FunConf. If you’re looking for a speaker, reach out to book some time! I especially love to invest in community groups and Meetups.